That word is in every man/womans vocabulary across the world. EX: Although only two letters, it can cut you deeper then when cutting an apple and missing it and slicing your finger off. The worse part is when you think your over them and it comes back and slaps you in the face like the ocean on the beach. Slowly taking sand back with it to forever stay at the bottom on the ocean floor. All the sudden you see your EX, and a rush of feelings take over your body, and the police wonder why people kill their ex's... Think about it Mr. Police Officer. Gosh the worse part is your EX does not care how your feeling, no instead they stay where they are and pretend like everything is fine. Hmmmm... I wonder if my EX was thinking that as he was screwing another girl, whom was named after a car may I add. Did he think how it was going to affect me in any way?? No, although he did say the "cheating" started by talking about me.. I don't know if I should feel good or bad about that. The thought of him actually thinking about me was pleasant, until, he added then we "just started kissing and then it just happened" How does something like that happen?? It is not like flicking on a light or tying your shoe... Oh no something like this is choose to act on. There comes a time to any normal human when temptations come in to play, you either cave in or you turn away.
So whats harder? Not feeling anything or feeling to much?? Well lets look in to them shall we?
Not Feeling Anything: Why should you the other person did wrong.. Well honestly that is the dumbest saying ever. One person does not mess everything up no matter what you may think. just like everything else in the life it takes to tango.. Take my EX, Joe. And yes that is his name.. Joe and I had a very unreal relationship.. Which in the end he cheated on me with a car ( read above if your only skimming thru . But lets look back a couple of months before hand, Not saying it was all my fault but i had a part in it. Earlier in the year I had a miscarriage, In which I did not tell Joe about until I had actually lost the baby. I did nothing to harm the baby at all for all of you thinking I did. My body just like other women out there had rejected the baby. I became very outside myself. by that I mean, I crawled in to a very low low low hole and did not come out. I only trusted myself and I was mad at everyone but mainly God. I did not understand how anyone could do that to me. Well me being like this caused tension on the relationship. I became a different person, I was mad at everyone, and Joe was in the fire zone, we fought all the time I annoyed him all the time. No saying what Joe did was an excuse, because by far I could have shot him right there :). But my actions played a part.
What if you feel To MUCH: Well honey your human. You need to find a balance in your life. For me I looked to GOD. I looked to my friends and family. But mainly God, Because no matter what I said to him in my very slowest moments, he was always there arms wide open to hold me and love me while I cried like pouring rain. Balance is key to a happy life..
Live by it and embrace it. Because no Matter what your EX was or did your better then that. You moved on your wanted to at the time or not. Don't let another being take over your life, love for you. If you want that extra scoop of ice-cream then eat it. If you want to cut your flipping hair then do it, its yours! And I promise it will grow back sometime. So don't let the word EX consume you, even when you see him/ or her with someone new and your body gets rushed with so many emotions you just wanna break down and cry. Well don't look up and thank God for letting you move on from the loser, it takes time but is worth it in the end.
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